Quick Rig Bait Bridling Tool & Bridling Clips

Quick Rig Bait Bridling Tool & Bridling Clips

Here is the perfect kit for rigging any dead or live baits. Quick Rig bait bridling clips simplify and speed up the process of rigging a live bait.


Here is a awesome new idea that breaks the rules again. Mix and match. Take any clip and any hook and add your own loop of braid line, strong rubber band or swivel (see video). Anything that will work. One end of your loop is hitched to your hook and the other end is hitched to any clip. Keep your loops short enough so you can handle the rig but not too long to hook your bait.

New Aluminium Bridling Tool now in stock!

No rules. Rig what ever works for you and go catch fish.

The assortment of steel clips speed your baits into the water while your fishing buddy is still fighting his old methods. New thumb guide on inside of handle of the pliers for more control when opening tool. Simply connect the hook to the clip and place in the pliers. When you are ready to put the bait in the water simply crimp and your ready.

QuickRig Bait Bridling clips come in packs of 25 and are available in small, medium, large. 

The difference between this system and other traditional methods are:

  • The live bait has less time out of the water and has less trauma.
  • The hook is set in position in a matter of seconds with one clip attaching the hook to the live bait.
  • The hook and clip can be placed on the live bait in any position i.e. head, back, tail or belly and remain fresh and very active.
