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Shark Fishing Reels

Shark Reels

There have been some significant changes in the type of reels used for shark fishing in recent times. This has reflected the improvements in both the quality of the reels themselves and more particularly the types of line we can use.

Hollow-core braid loaded on to a reel with a top-shot of nylon monofilament allows smaller reels to be used for large powerful fish with confidence. Also the reels braking systems have been much improved by the use of technologically advanced materials on friction surfaces.

Drags are smoother and more powerful. This applies to both multipliers and fixed spools.

If you are unsure which reel to choose and what to pair with your shark fishing rod, we are happy to give you recommendations backed up by a wealth of knowledge and experience. Please give us a call on 01635 736436 and we'll be happy to help you select the best shark reel for your fishing.
