BASS Photo Competition


Zap-A-Gap Superglues

Zap-A-Gap Superglues

Zap-A-Gap fly fishing adhesive is perfect for knotless line & leader connections, fly-tying, rigging for all kinds of fishing, repairing softbaits and making knots non-slip. In fact it's a tackle box and workshop essential that no angler can do without.

Zap-a-Gap Superglues

Effective waterproof superglue with precision micro tips for easy application to line and leader connections. Great for fly tying and useful to have around at any time! Zap-a-gap has a moderate setting time so you can accurately position whatever you are glueing before it sets. As it is reasonably viscous it will as the name suggests fill gaps between materials and smooth out knots. Great to have in your car or tackle box for quick temporary repairs in the field.

Zap-a-Gap Goo

Is a strong flexible glue that bonds practically anything. After setting the adhesive remains slightly flexible and can be cut with a craft knife. Zap Goo is an excellent adhesive for sealing FG Knots and Splicing Serves.

It is also great for all of those fix-it, mend-it, seal-it, and stick-it jobs around the house.

  • All purpose adhesive & sealant
  • Bonds virtually everything
  • Dries clear
  • Remains flexible
  • Works where others won't

