Black Bart 1656 Angled Heavy Tackle Lures

Black Bart 1656 Angled Heavy Tackle Lures

World famous marlin lure named after the 1,656lb blue marlin that fell for it in 1984 in Hawaii. A firm favourite with Captains around the world.


A deep running lure that tracks well from the outrigger position, trolling at moderate speeds in most weather conditions. Great choice for marlin, big wahoo and larger tuna. Described by Captain Bart as having 'just the right amount of wiggle'. Available rigged or unrigged.

We offer 10ft leaders as standard on all our rigged lures. As most set-ups now feature wind-on leaders, this allows the angler to get the swivel to the rod tip and for the wireman to take a wrap and get the fish close to the boat. This length works for both stand-up and chair rods.

As most wind-on leaders are 25ft, you can remove 6ft, and then add on our 10ft leader to give you an overall length of 29ft. This will allow a little stretch and still be within the IGFA ruling of a maximum of 30ft.

All our lures can be rigged with appropriate sized single hooks. Select the colour of your lure and if you would like it rigged click again on the standard rigging option. We will also make hook-sets and leaders to your own specification so please call us to discuss.
